Monday, August 24, 2009

Am I Being Compulsive?

I am certain that I am not the only one that has this problem. No one talks about it. No one seems to understand my dilemma here. My inbox is full. I sit down to read my email and each one seems to be something that requires more attention than I seem to have at this moment. I put it in a folder or I just leave it to read thoroughly later.

Later when I see all my emails I think, "Oh, I am waaaay too busy right now. I need to come back later and read this and then delete it." And I sign out.

My phone has the same problem. My inbox is constantly full of text messages. I read and delete and read some more. Delete, delete, and I am still in the danger zone. Some are so cute I have to save them. Some are so sad I can't delete. I have text messages from the day my poor cat died. I can't hit the delete button on that day.

I have the same problem with library books. I would rather pay an overdue fine than return an unread book. It is just wrong to send a book back to the library without finishing every page. I finish a book even when I don't like it. I always think that there will be some redeeming quality in every book. I may learn just one thing....

I need to sign off now. I have an overdue DVD from the library, The Shield Season ? and it's overdue and I haven't finished it.


Akannie said...


SO. I'm not the only one?

There are something like a thousand emails in my inbox. Some opened and not deleted, some unopened, some saved. Sheesh.... I look in there, and sigh, then go off to another site. LMAO.....

BTW--I thought my life would be different too. But I think it's gonna be okay.

Jeanne Estridge said...

I let everything build up, then go on a cleaning rampage and delete anything within reach -- including things I still need.

As for finishing books/movies I'm not enjoying -- doesn't happen anymore. Life is waaaay too short for that!

Vivek S Patwardhan said...

Looks like you have written my story! I am exactly like this!!


Vodka Mom said...

I'm with YOU on the book thing!!!

What's your twitter id???????

Reasons said...

Oh thank goodness I thought it was just me!

Eliza said...

Thank God its not just me:-D

T said...

Oh geez, I can soooooo relate to this! I have so many emails that I just can not delete. Some are just inspiring emails from close friends, or yes, when Jake died:( I can't delete those.

All my inbox's are full:(

You are not alone my dear.