The other night I laid awake thinking about my husband's back problems and came to a decision. In the morning I told him that I think he should go ahead with the new tests, see the back surgeon and agree to go ahead with the surgery. After the surgery, file for disability and quit truck driving for good.
As usual when I told him my thoughts, he said that he was going to wait until December as planned and use his vacation time and just put up with all his problems until then. A few hours later, he totally changed his mind and said OK to do the surgery this summer. This reversal is so typical of him.
On another note, I received the nicest email from an old friend from grade school. We had lost contact with each other when I lost her address. My fault. My brother called her cousin and got the new address for me a few months ago. I lost that. My fault again. Then somehow accidently she found my email address buried in a forwarded group email and wrote to me. This time I will not lose the address. I will not lose the address. And my old friend actually read my blog. And she liked it. Maybe it was just the wine she drank while she read all my drivel.....
Stefanie still owes me money for her last phone bill and for her brake job on the vehicle that she didn't want any input from me and bought anyway......She stopped in last night while we weren't home and ate some cookies and picked up her cat.
Haven't seen Danielle lately. I am sure she's fine. She will surface soon....
The cats are happy and trying to escape outside every chance they get. Jack is trying to teach Libby (the kitten) how to remove the screen in my front door to escape. Bad cabin fever affects cats too.
The weather is beautiful. I have cabin fever too. And I have discovered that since I am a member of a gym I don't walk outside anymore for exercise. Funny because I always said gyms were stupid. "All you need to exercise is a pair of tennis shoes".
I have noticed that many bloggers have slowed down on writing and commenting. I think they may have cabin fever too.
Not happy about Shawn Johnson winning "Dancing with the Stars". I guess the deal is if you win a gold medal in the Olympics you can win the mirror ball. Wonder how Michael Phelps would do?????
the same
14 hours ago
Here I am! No cabin fever..I'm stuck in my cabin now..otherwise, I would be outside enjoying the glorious sunshine!
sorry to hear about your husband!
Hi Jan, I'm here. I have been trying to catch up on everyone's blogs that past 2 days.
I will probably be posting again in the next day or two.
Sorry about your husband, but I hope he does have the surgery soon, and hope for a quick recovery.
I think that is great that you are back in touch with your friend. Good friends are hard to find.
Glad to hear the cats are happy, trying to escape?! Well, cats being cats, I guess ;).
Whenever the sun comes out, I try to go outside. Cabin fever has turned into a sort of depression. But hey, it's summer!
Back operation? Eeeck! Is is really necessary? I hope that DH and you have seen a couple of specialists before deciding. Good luck with that. Your DH will need lots of patience but I'm sure all will be fine.
I hope the operation helps. Back troubles are so hard.
Such big decisions to make, but as long as you make them together, I sure hope all goes well with the surgery.
What fun to finally catch up with an old friend, now that you finally have her contact info!
I didn't watch dancing, I think it must be on ABC and that is the only station we don't get.
I watched Idol..couldn't believe that Kris won..I was pleasantly surprised.
Lots of the bloggers have slowed down, I have been writing late at night and them auto posting on really nice days! :)
I've been walking today, blue sky, sun, fields and lake, total bliss.
Big decision re back op, Bonne Chance,
No, I really liked your blog! It wasn't that much wine, anyway! --long-lost & found friend (who hasn't gotten around to setting up a Google Account)
Sorry to hear about your husband's back. Hope the surgery helps and that he has a speedy recovery. I've noticed a bit of slowdown too on the blogs (including my own)...with the nice weather here I guess people are spending more time outside. :)
I've noticed the same thing with posting/commenting -- and feel way less guilty, because I've been "daylight challenged" since it got warm enough to work in the garden (and visit my sister's pool).
Hope things work out for hubby. You've been writing about his back pain since your started this blog (and I wince every time I read about it, and think about him sitting in that truck hour after hour, day after day), so I hope this gets him some relief!
I am just a little behind in my reading and commenting! I think it is the time of year.
Sorry about not commenting!!! I'll get caught up today.
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