I am spending an odd weekend. I think I'm alone for an entire weekend. I can do what I want. I can eat what I want. I can watch what I want on TV. I can read a book on the couch and not move for an entire weekend.
Years ago (all my life actually) I have wanted time alone. That was a real source of contention between my and my husband back in the 70's. I wanted him to go home so I could have some alone time and he wouldn't go. Thinking back, I don't think he had anywhere to go but that would be the subject of another blog post.
Once, my mother-in-law took my kids to Florida with her and I was alone. It took me about a week to realize that I didn't have to race home after work and that I could actually run down the road for an ice cream cone if I so desired to. Then the kids were back home and my free time was over.
My husband is in New Jersey in his truck. Danielle is working/house-sitting with her boyfriend. Stef pops in and out but I normally don't see her that often. Last week was an exception as her cable was shut off and she showed up at home three days in a row. Now the cable is back on and I don't expect her anytime soon.
I bought a harness for the kitten to take her outside as the two cats are insane about the outdoors and they slip outside every chance they get even as I am screaming, "You are not going out, absolutely not, No No" and they are both outside running around the driveway and I am running around after them. I plan to hook both of their harnesses to the leash and just let them enjoy the weather.
I went to Meijer and bought food for these people that probably aren't coming home this weekend. I bought a new hanging flowering basket on sale. I went to the library for myself. I added a follower to my Twitter account even though I think Twitter is stupid and I haven't tweeted in a coon's age.
I actually ate lunch. Never do that on a Saturday as I have always been too busy running errands or something. My husband asked my daughters once, "When are you two going to leave Mom alone"? I was always running them somewhere or picking them up and taking friends home after.
I am thinking that I will have a "Damages" marathon tonight and tomorrow. I have the DVD from the library. I can have pizza tonight and I won't have to hear, "I don't feel like pizza". Maybe I will skip dinner and just have dessert. Who's going to tell on me?
Actually I have a feeling that someone came home while I was sleeping last night. When I went to bed the coach lights were off and today when I got up the lights were on. That's the thing about adult children. You never know when they are going to pop in. They have keys and cars and they don't need a ride home.
the same
14 hours ago
You are such a giver, and that is a good thing..BUT you have to come first sometimes..or you get run over by everyone elses wants and needs and yours get put on the back burner. So I say, have a great weekend doing exactly what you want!! :)
I came over from Far Side's blog to visit. I hope you enjoy your weekend. Solitude is something we all need occasionally.
Enjoy it while u can! sometimes it is nice to be alone!
Ha, I've always loved those odd weekends. Freedom!! What to do first? well whatever I want:)))
That, for me, was the upside of being divorced -- getting to buy the food I wanted, watch the TV shows I liked, come and go as I pleased. And now, on the rare occasions when I'm home alone, I really enjoy that.
So have fun!
Sounds awesome! Enjoy!!!
Enjoy yourself. You never know when you'll get another chance.
...and you can spread out all over the bed and read for ages without anyone moaning about the light being on.
Have a lovely time,
Found you by accident! We all need a weekend alone. It helps to recharge and refocus. Hope you enjoyed it!
Oh How I love alone time...when my hubby and the boys go away for a weekend, I plan...to go to bed really late...sleep in really late...order take out any where I want...read as much as I want and totally enjoy the peace and quiet. However, when they return, I am definitely refreshed to face their stories on the adventures they have had! But I would not like being alone if I knew they would not be returning...
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