I need to reach out to all my bloggy friends for some comforting words. I could say, "Don't worry. Things will be OK. Everything happens for a reason. All this will make Stefanie (and me) stronger in the end. Your husband will be all better after back surgery. Danielle will be happy and make lots of money. All three cats will be happy. There, there. Don't' worry. Be happy".
See I know all the words but when I say them I am not believing them. I need you guys. Comforting words always sound better coming from a friend. This is the scenario in my house right now.......
1). Danielle is starting back at one of her old jobs and will be making better money. That in turn will make her happier. And she is on the Dean's List for this past semester. All good things.
2). Stefanie and Jay broke up and she moved back home. And no, not into her old room. She is in the basement. I just couldn't let that happen cuz I haven't even painted the old bedroom yet and it isn't ready to be trashed......
3). Simba came home with her as she didn't trust Jay to feed him and give him love. I now have three cats. And three cats is waaaaaaaay more than two cats.
4). My toe is still killing me and I have stopped going to the gym. No wonder I am stressed!!!!! I will be back at the treadmill, etc. next week. Today is the first day that the pain level is actually at a tolerable level.
5). Dan is doing worse. He is having more problem with his back. He is having problems with his balance, showering, etc. He sees his doctor later this month and is having the CT scan also. Next month is when he sees his surgeon. And his insurance is changing for the worse as of July 1st. Oh yeah, he did say that he would trade my big toe for his back. I declined.
6). And today Stefanie lost her job. Since she and Jay work together and these fellow employees love gossip and texting and such, the rumors were flying and Stef said something she shouldn't have said to one such employee and it got back to the manager, reports were filed, and Stefanie and the girl got suspended and today Stefanie was fired. Now I have been telling her to get another job for like three years because she doesn't make any money there, because she is going nowhere fast there and I predict that one day soon the place will close for lack of business. Now she has to do something. In the end, she will be better off.
Thanks for listening. Now to fix some dinner and sit on the couch. With my three cats. Maybe I could get them to say, "There, there".
the same
13 hours ago
It can seem like life is coming at us from all sides sometimes, can't it? Your girls will find their groove in this world...it may just take some time. And I hope you and Dan are both feeling better soon. Things will be okay...I just know it. Stay strong, Jan! :)
I came over from 'It Matters to Me'. I like your blog. I was cruising through your slide show and got stopped at every picture with lilacs on it. I miss them more than I can say. And rain. Arizona doesn't grow either. Lots of cactus. No lilacs. *sigh*
Take it easy, and stay strong. Things will come together, the girls will be fine.
Dan will come through with his surgery, and be on the road to recovery soon. Sometimes the steps just getting there, seem like mountains, but he and you will climb each one together, and things will start to turn around.
You will be okay, everyone will be okay.
The kind words are working. Thank you all.
You said all the kind words already, so I will simply send you a virtual (((hug))).
Good luck with all the changes.
Things will work out.
And I really know the back pain is manageable.
My only suggestion would be to get yourself a border collie. They are great at herding the cats into a manageable unit.
You're welcome.
Sometimes doncha just want to holler..STOP this wild rollercoaster.. I just need to get to catch up!!
I bet you broke your toe, but they won't do anything about it either at the Dr. office.
Dan's Surgery..ouch..but it sounds like he could get better with the surgery. I hope!
One day at a time..there, there, there.. :)
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Uhm, you know I'm not good at this sort of thing, right?
There, there dear.
My life is in similar chaos- I can sympathize! Hang inthere, woman
Okay, here's what you do.
Get in the bathroom and lock the door having made sure that you have a nice big glass of wine with you.
Fill that bath, put something lovely and bubbly in it and just relax.
Sod everyone else for an hour, you need to put yourself first for once.
Look after yourself,
My gosh, that's a lot to have on your plate. I know how you feel because I've had times when I felt as though the world just fell into my lap.
I know it's gonna sound so cliche' but exercise, eat balanced meals, read a good book and take a bubble bath. It won't take away all of the worries but it will help you cope.
When it rains, it pours doesn't it? I know the feeling of having a child out of work. Mine got fired from his job also and here in Michigan, jobs are few and far between. But I do the only thing I know how in times of stress, I look up, say a prayer and let God. The issues still remain but somehow I am better equipped to handle them. So.....I am lifting your name in prayer as well as your family's. And I know things will get better.
Sorry it's taken me so long to come by -- I'm so freaking far behind on blogs I don't think I'll ever catch up. I don't have a lot to offer on Dan's back, other than fervent prayers the doctors can find a way to relieve his pain. As far as the kids, all the crap they're going through will make them better, stronger, wiser, more compassionate women. And the cats, too.
And they're all damn lucky to have you in their lives, caring for them!
Oh dear, tough times. It's awful when it all comes at once. Get back to the gym as soon as you can. Try to create a bit of protection around you because us women get pulled down by others problems and then it's hard to help. Sendin you heartfelt wishes for better times ahead. And as a blogger said to me recently - things don't stay the same for long - hold that thought. x
Hope you're alright,
Focusing on the daughter part - I know from personal experience it's far to easy in life to get stuck at a bum job, much better to be booted out and fortunately she has her great mom and dad to come home too! But still sympathies for going through job loss and boyfriend troubles. That's rough.
I'll be praying for you and your husband. Sounds like things have been physically challenging!
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