Stef is at a job interview right now. Keep your fingers crossed.
The cats are happy happy and that means fighting when I am trying to sleep. In fact, they fight right on top of me. I definitely have a front row seat.
Dan is disappointed. We just came from a doctor's appt and his doctor has to send us to another doctor because he thinks he must be missing something. The new CT scan just doesn't show why Dan is in so much pain. Where is the answer?
Danielle is good. Working. Making money. And has a big bouquet of flowers from the boyfriend. We keep them up on top of the entertainment system. So high in fact, that she forgot that he even sent them. Jack has the tendency to eat flowers so the higher the better.
And thank you for all the nice thoughts you guys sent my way. My pity party is over. People have way worse problems than me so I need to get on with it. I am planning on driving to Indiana for lunch on Saturday to meet up with a bunch of girls I went to high school with. That should give me some well needed laughs I'm sure.
the same
7 hours ago
sounds great! Am glad you are being so positive!!
Pity Parties are okay once in awhile, and know we are all always here for you.
Good luck with seeing another Doctor for Dan, I know how that can be very frustrating, but lets hope another doc finds the problem.
Keep positive and enjoy your meet up with your friends, sounds fun!
My fingers are crossed.
I hope you and your husband find some answers with the different Doctor. I know how frustrating that can be. Hope you have a great weekend with your friends..relax and enjoy the time away from those pesky cats! :)
Good luck with seeing another Doctor for Dan. I'm glad to hear that you are in better spirits. Highschool girlfriends are the best medicine for the spirit! :)
Glad things are looking up (or at least you're viewpoint has changed!). Sometimes all we need is a good night's sleep to make everything look a little more manageable. Keep us up-to-date on Steph's job. Praying for Dan....
Glad you're back in party mood,
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