This picture speaks volumes (to me anyways). I see stuff I want on the dresser but can't get to it. I would love to see if there is still hairspray in the can that used to be in my bathroom and now resides in the far reaches of her room. I have the urge to take the Pepsi bottle back to the grocery store. After all, I spent 10 cents on that bottle. I deserve that bottle. But my rule stands. No stepping past the doorway. I might get hurt.
the same
13 hours ago
Each picture is more drastic than the one before it! lol!! I have to say though...I tune in each day to see if there is a new addition to the room saga!!!! Thanks for the smile...and I hope your strategy starts working for you and some cleaning begins to happen! :)
Oh my it is a mess. You gave birth to her? Are you sure she wasn't switched with another child? :)
Far Side of Fifty is right -- she's a changeling!
Your pix are bringing back memories of step-motherhood I've been trying to repress.....
Thanks for coming by and catching my typo!
Yes I did give birth to Stefanie. No they did not switch her at the hospital. I love her dearly even though I do complain a bit. We celebrated her 22nd birthday on Thursday and her room is still a mess. She swears she is going to clean it and says she is "tired of living like a 2 year old". We will see.
And yes there is another picture to come. And yes, Andrea it is worse than the others. I did do them in some type of order. Stef calls the next picture "The Mother Lode".
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