This is the first photo I have posted on my blog of any human members of my family. This was taken in Indianapolis at my mother-in-laws 80th birthday party. This is where the extended family (my husband's) actually put down their differences for the day to celebrate a happy occasion. We don't always like our family but when it comes down to it we can come together and act like a family. I am including the members of the immediate family here when I say that. My daughters are so different and not just in hair color and skin coloring. Personalities don't always mesh in our house and sometimes I wonder how it will all turn out. The girls do have their good times together though. They don't admit it but i think eventually they will realize they have more in common than their handwriting and their voices.
Danielle left me a note one evening apologizing for leaving a mess after one of her cooking experiments and signed it "Stef". I read it in the morning and laughed and left my comment. Later, Stefanie walks into the kitchen and sees the notes and cracks up laughing because she knows I can't tell the difference in their handwriting. Their voices are the same on the telephone and I have for years now had to talk to them for a minute to determine which daughter I was speaking to. Thank god for caller id.
Slow progress
17 hours ago
Both absolutely beautiful in their very different ways! When do we get to see a pic of hubby?
Nice photo slide show...I hear about my friends kids and how they mature from life's lessons, but I did not have any of my own. Found you via Jeanne and others...
Beautiful girls! I have two also, however they more alike physically. But that is where the similarities end.:)
You have beautiful girls in your famil (all three of them).
That's funny about the telephone - I think my mom has the same problem, but she won't admit it.
Thanks on the compliments to my girls. Of course, we think they are beautiful. As for me and the "hubby", we aren't so photogenic. I have to search high and low for a good picture of me. That is why I like this one. Still looking for a good one of the husband.
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