So the other night my husband tells me that he took $100 cash out of our account. That is a normal occurrence as he is a truck driver and can't ask me for cash anymore. The next morning I stop at Costco (my favorite place in the whole world) and I try to buy gas. The gas pump tells me to "pick another card for payment" and I am thinking that I must have mixed up my PIN numbers like I do sometimes. I repeat the process and it comes up with the same message. I get back into the car and get my other debit card and it works like magic.
I am worried that maybe I don't have any money in the joint checking account. I am sure that could happen. Dan is using the card like a drunken sailor all across the country and did just tell me he took $100. I call the automated number and check my balance. Yes we have some money. I just can't have any. I sent Dan a text message telling him my suspicion. I had just seen on the news that someone hacked into the Visa/MasterCard system and they were cancelling the cards and patrons will need to wait 14 business days for a new card. I am sure they didn't mean ME.
At lunch I called a human being at my bank. I explain my predicament and she nicely asks my card numbers. I read them off and she happily tells me that my card was compromised and I will receive a new card in 14 business days. She sounds happy about it. Guess she thinks she did me a favor. I feel weak. I need to sit down. I have no debit card. The other one doesn't count. I want THAT ONE. I ask about my husband's numbers and she tells me that his card is fine. I guess that is good.
I send him another text letting him know that he can continue spending and that I will not be able to access any money for quite some time. Actually that isn't true because the next day, I dusted off my checkbook and wrote a check for cash. How weird was that? I had to remember how to do that. Fortunately back in 7th grade we learned how to write checks, balance checkbooks, etc. I USED to write checks. It's just been a while. This bank is nowhere near where I spend my workdays. I don't pass by my branch until if is getting ready to close and now the ATM is off-limits to me.
Last night Dan came home and he tossed me his debit card. For a few days I can feel like myself except I can't buy a pizza from my favorite place as they continue to ask for ID when I try and use my debit card. I don't look like a Daniel. But everywhere else I go I am sure his debit card will be handy. Fourteen business days is a long time.
Slow progress
17 hours ago
I better check my cards...
I hate feeling "broke", especially when I'm not. Hope the next 14 days go smoothly.
My Discover card had some fraudulent charges on it. That was a horrible feeling too.
I had something similar happen. I too had to wait 14 business days..I used the checkbook..what a strange feeling. :)
This happened to me last year and I got my replacement card in about one week. I actually needed it before a trip to China and I was panicked at leaving without it. I hope you get yours quickly.
I've had my debit card compromised's a terrible feeling. I don't even know where my checkbook is! lol! :)
Ah that is terrible. We get so spoiled with the debit cards.
14 days is a long time, I hope it goes by fast.
Isn't it funny how something we lived without most of our lives now feels like a necessity? Debit cards, microwaves and, above all, the internet!
I know how you feel, I am just lost without my debit card. And to think that before they created them.....
I have not been in a bank for years, everything is debit. And I don't carry credit cards, so if the machines are down, I just can't buy anything. Talk about forced spending.
I found you via Andrea at Finding Sirius.
You are lucky to have called your bank. I've also become very attached to my debit card. It is a wonderful thing!
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