I figure this will be my last cat picture for a while. I need to move on to a new subject but thought this was funny. When I come home from work Jack gets so excited that this day he thought he would help me fix dinner. He likes to be in the kitchen or in the living room with me or in the laundry room. He doesn't mind getting stuff out of the vegetable drawer. You just may not want to eat what he gets out of there for you......
the same
13 hours ago
well, he's certainly more helpful than a human kid!!
I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!! Seriously, so funny. He's like a little dude getting his lunch. You should send this into a cool cat website called:
Kitties! very cute!
So my cat doesn't do this - but my kid does.
Very cute.
Haha, I love this. What a considerate, little helper he is:))
How cute is that!! I don't think you need a new subject...I love Jack posts!! :) (What a shocker! ;))
It looks like he's saying, "What do I feel like having tonight?"
PS -- Post all the cat picture you want. I like them!
He certainly is an entertaining little guy! :)
I like your cat pictures. I'm enjoying having a cat vicariously through you.
Cute! Cats sure are funny aren't they? My little cat hears the freezer open and comes running. He loves ice cubes! And when both kitties hide, all I have to do is shake the can of treats and out they come for a goodie or two! But neither of them have crawled into the fridge. Course there is always a first time!
How funny! My cats are too lazy to help.
:) very cute
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