I saw something on the news the other night that I thought was worth mentioning. A new product called Latisse is now being offered to women wanting to grow long, lush eyelashes. It's pricey but something many women have wanted for a long time.
Funny that this product is a glaucoma eye drop only this time it is being marketed to women to grow longer eyelashes. It is sold with applicators so you can apply it to the sparse lashes and wait to see the lovely, dark, long lashes appear. It is kind of like a chia pet! Only it grows hair not greenery.
In this scary economic time I am not sure how many women want to spend $120 a month growing longer lashes. I would be more apt to spend that money on groceries, gas, bills, etc. Guess I'm just funny that way.
Oh, and one more thing, one of the main side effects of this medication is that it causes trichiasis (misdirected eyelashes) that have to be plucked out by a doctor. Gee, that sounds fun. But then beauty comes with a price.
the same
14 hours ago
I always wonder what they will think of next....this was not one of my guesses. lol! :)
Have you ever plucked out a "misdirected" eyelash? Think: What would it feel like if I slammed a car door on my eyelid?"
No, thank you! I'll keep my (increasingly sparse) eyelashes.
I didn't even mention other possible side effects like dark circles under the eyes or even changing the eye color! Think men will want to sprinkle it on their bald heads?
or you could just take the money, rip it up and throw it into the street. In my mind you'd get the same bang for your buck
The cure definitely sounds worse than the "disease".
I think I'll stick to plain old make up.
LOL, oh my. No thanks!!!
I will keep my old lashes..the wayward ones sound painful:(
although you cannot buy latisse without a prescription from your doctor, and not all doctors sell latisse and Dr Amiya Prasad is the only doctor I know of in new york that sells latisse.
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