Well, Stefanie traded in her father's old 1992 Bonneville and came home with this 2001 Jeep Laredo. That would be a good thing I guess but I am afraid for her. The payment is high and she has never had to make a car payment before. And now she has her own car insurance and she's never had to pay car insurance before. I am very afraid but I wish her the best. She wanted to do this on her own so didn't really consult us with any details. Not much I can do.
And no her room isn't all cleaned out. I went in there and rounded up some miscellanous clothes, washed them and had her sort through them. The saga continues.
the same
14 hours ago
Oh my gosh, I'm sure I will go through all the same stuff with my girls. I think life is much easier when they're little!
I am sure it is hard to let go and let them make these decisions!
No matter what advice you'd offered, she wouldn't have taken any notice.
They've got to learn by their own experience I reckon.
Watched my daughter learn fiscal responsibility the hard way, winding up with a debt consultant before she figured it out.
Steph'll get there (to fiscal responsiblity -- hopefully w/o a debt consultant!)
I hope the new ride ends up okay.
It might be a good life lesson.
Oh my, I hope she does ok..and you too! :)
I wish her the best of luck. No matter how much you will worry, she has to learn from her own experiences.
It must be hard to let go...I'm sure she will do fine!! I wonder if she will keep her car any cleaner than her room. lol! :)
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