One of my pet peeves (there are many more actually) is when I call a business (be it the cable company, gas company, electric company) and they spend 5 minutes telling me by a computer voice of course how I could easily access them on the internet.
I am calling them because I want to speak to a human being. I am not at a computer. I may be driving my car, on my 30-minute lunch break walking the corridor to get a moment of privacy or I may be sitting in my car in the parking lot. I am calling them because I need to speak to someone that can respond to questions that I may have. I do realize that these companies are online.
Am I the only person that occasionally requires the customer service department??? Sometimes I think that the company has no human beings.
the same
14 hours ago
Oh I can so relate. I have been finding I have less and less patience with the automated conversations via telephone.
When I was trying to find My father in law a doctor, this is all I got, was recording, telling me to access them on the internet. It took me several days and several numbers before I was able to speak personally to a human being.
PS. It's a deal;)
It also bothers me when they keep telling how important my call is to them, while I'm on hold. If I was so important I think somebody should answer the phone.
Oh, me too!! After all the rigamarole pushing different numbers umpteen times then finally getting a real person to talk to, you end up with one who can hardly speak english, you can't understand a word they say, and have to keep saying "what", "repeat that". Drives me crazy!!
I'm surprised they haven't cleverly hidden their phone number so that you HAVE to go to their website.
I'm not sure which frustrates me more - the worthless phone trees or the inadequate websites.
My friend hates talking to computers so when she is stuck in automated hell she just says "blah blah blah" and one time the computer said "You are calling from Nevada"?
I do sometimes require the customer service department. Sadly, I do not think that creature exists anymore.
I just *love* it when I get their voice recognition system; specially when I have a cold! Nowadays I just keep repeating "agent agent agent" until it gets frustrated and say, "can't understand, transferring you to an agent"!!
Oh I so agree with this one. It used to be you could trick the system and just keep hitting 0 three times until the computer voice would say I don't recognize this entry please hold for a representative. Yesterday - Washington Mutual hung up on me! Bastards! I had to order checks and since it's been 5 years since I've ordered them, online couldn't process the order and the voice system couldn't process it. Try changing a diaper while pressing your account number! I finally pressed enough buttons to reach a human being.
I feel the same way. And I can't stand when they charge me $20 to pay over the phone. It's BS.
I can totally relate! I especially love when I call Bell (who provides my phone, internet and satellite) and get that Internet message...when the reason I am calling is that I cannot get online!! Aargh! So frustrating!! :)
It drives me mad too,
Hi Jan,
Love your blog site. My insight on this particular blog is that the company has one lonely person, running like a gerbil, trying to answer the phones. She is scared of losing her job because the company knows that NOBODY calls them.
Your word verification is great because I can read it. : )
Well since even having a telephone nearly drives me nuts..those inept companies that require me to be on hold for ages pressing numbers for options..none of which address my is no wonder that lots of companies are biting the dust..they are forgetting their customers..and that we are REAL people:(
I hear you. I also hate that they use voice activated calling. My voice never picks up correctly. I always end up yelling at the phone.
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Yesterday our internet went out at work. It was especially frustrating to be repeatedly directed to a website I couldn't access!
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